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Once conservative, today the financial industry is undergoing rapid development. Out of the multiple rising projects some are doomed to failure, other will be absorbed by bigger institutions, yet another will not be able to scale up. There will also be those which will manage to create an innovative business model backed up by a hard-to-copy technology, affording significant competitive advantages to position them for market success.

Innovations in the financial industry concern many very narrow niches and applications, such as: payments, loans, back-end solutions, social data based risk management, identity verification or credit risk analysis. Many of these companies that create outstanding financial products or services experience difficulties in development because of the narrowness of their business niche.

Our goal is to create a flexible and innovative group of fintechs from different countries with complementary offers and competences. We believe that in addition to the ability to combine innovative technological solutions with the effectiveness of operations in the financial world, flexibility and specialization are also necessary. Such an international cluster of technology and finance companies will create significant value for customers.

Areas of our special interest:


Internet of Things


New materials and solutions for the industry

Modern construction materials

Unconventional energy sources

The list is not closed – should you have a revolutionary concept, we are open to your ideas.

We respect your privacy, that is why we would like to inform you that we have updated our Privacy policy. In order to give you clear information on how we process your personal data. In the following points we specify which of your personal data we are in possession of and how we use it. We have also added information regarding your rights, such as how you can access your data and how to request that it is no longer used.

Here you will find our Privacy policy