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Who we are?

Who we are?

Fidiasz ASI sp. z o. o. is a Polish investment fund created by Krzysztof Domarecki, founder of the Selena Group and co-creator of its international success.

The idea of the Fund is simple: we connect business experience from numerous markets, competences of managers from different branches, and ideas of innovators and creators of new technologies.

We intend to co-create the best and the most innovative products and solutions, and introduce them to international markets.

To succeed, the combination of two traits is necessary: vision and hard work. These traits are personified by Phidias – one of the greatest ancient Greek sculptors of the classical period. Combination of these two elements is effective also in the 21st century.

Who we are?

I have got 30 years of business experience.
Before I created Selena, I had had a few other companies – we did not call them startups back then.
The main driving force of Selena were innovative products, often the first in the world in its category.
For 7 years I have been investing into young, innovative companies”

Krzysztof Domarecki
founder and the president of the Supervisory Board
of the Selena Group and creator of Fidiasz ASI sp. z o. o.

Krzysztof Domarecki 4- small

Mission of the Fund

We bring the best products and solutions
into international market


All 8 companies that we will invest in will achieve market success preceded by persistent work.
We do not plan any failures.

Our Team

We are building our managing crew.
You can join us.
The team will be announced soon.

Our experience

The experience of the Fund is based on 25 years of operating in international business acquired in the process of creation and development of the Selena Group. It includes R&D, products and technology development, production, marketing, sales, and M&A. The Selena Group operates in Europe, the Americas and Asia with the annual sales exceeding 250 million Euro.

We introduced successfully dozens of innovative products to the international markets. Beside business know-how and long-term experience we have a wide range of relations on the international markets.

Our experience

We respect your privacy, that is why we would like to inform you that we have updated our Privacy policy. In order to give you clear information on how we process your personal data. In the following points we specify which of your personal data we are in possession of and how we use it. We have also added information regarding your rights, such as how you can access your data and how to request that it is no longer used.

Here you will find our Privacy policy